strong body - limitless energy - clear mind

Hey, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m Amya (Ah-my-ah)

I help you to get the body of your dreams, one that:

  • Is strong and fit AF — play with your nieces and nephews/kids without fatiguing or hurting yourself, hike those mountain trails to get to the best scenic views on your vacation, and never feel weak or fragile in your life again.

  • Feels energised — no more waking up feeling like sh*t, or needing a litre of coffee or energy drinks just to feel functional. No more using toxic pre-workout before your session. Have the energy you need to get to the gym, dance class, study, or to follow through with the dinner plans you keep rescheduling because you’re too tired after work.

  • Looks amazing — without being overly focused on dieting, calorie and macro-counting, or spending hours on cardio and in the gym following a bikini sculpting workout, and

  • A mind that is strong, focused, and your biggest ally. Too many of us have brains that critique and bully us. It may have pushed us through some difficult times and helped us with some accomplishments, but it comes to a point where it becomes our downfall and blocks us from experiencing joy, creating the life of our dreams, and feeling at peace. I’ll guide you on how to shift that.

I do this through whichever means you need: meal guides, wellness plans, strength training programs, group coaching, and one-on-one sessions. Scroll down to explore your options!


Amya Kianda’s Qualifications:

  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) — Monash University Australia, 2016

  • Child-Centred Play Therapy — Play Therapy Australia, 2019

  • HMI Health Coach — HMI Wellness, 2021

  • Sports Performance Coach — NSPA, 2022

  • Life Coach, Quantum Mind Body Therapist — HMI Wellness, 2025 (watch this space!)

Client Testimonials

How I Help You

  • Strength Training Programs

    Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or athlete, I’ve got you covered to move and perform your best, and to love what you see in the mirror as a result!

    I help you do this through:

    - Strong With Amya — online strength training group for home workouts or gym workouts, meal plans, exclusive access to me, and a resource library.

    - Pre-made purchasable strength training programs. Only train 3-4x per week, no hardcore workouts, and see the results!

    - 1:1 Coaching.

  • Health & Nutrition

    I cut through fads about food and I’ll guide you on what supplements are worth your time and money, based on your goals.

    My guidance and meal plans will support effortless fat loss, more and long-lasting energy, painless periods, faster workout recovery and increased gains, better sleep, mental clarity and sharper thinking.

    We can do this through:

    - Single Sessions where I verbally give you guidance on whatever you’ve brought up on the day, and you can ask me as many questions as you like.

    - Custom Meal Plans and Wellness Plans that are fully tailored to you, and that set out solid plan and guidance on exactly what to do, and when in order to achieving your goals.

    - Pre-made purchasable meal plans.

    - 1:1 Coaching.

  • Mental & Emotional Wellness

    Rebuild a stronger and resilient mind, learn to move through your “frozen” or anxious states, break up with the negative inner voice, and improve your perception of your body, your abilities and talents, and your self-worth.

    We do this through ongoing one-to-one sessions where I support you in re-writing the mental stories you tell yourself that keep you trapped, I guide you how to tap into your true potential and the answers you already have within, and embodying the version of you that you truly desire.

    This may also involve nutritional and supplemental recommendations to support brain health, and holistic health practices that support emotional release.