Strong With Amya
Is an 8-week at-home strength training group for women who want to get fit, strong AND shape up, all while eating PLENTY of delicious foods.
You can get to your dream weight and feel amazing in your skin — no starving or punishing workouts required.
You are a woman and…
You are brand new to strength training, and feeling a little overwhelmed by where to start.
You are tired of feeling weak and out of shape, which makes it hard for you to keep up with your friends, or children.
You are worried about injuring yourself if you work without a coach.
You prefer to workout from the comfort and privacy of your home.
You have no idea what to eat to support workout recovery, and to get in shape.
Home workouts are GREAT for building your strength and confidence with a new way of moving your body. You can wear whatever you want, no body is watching, you get the workout done before the rest of your family wake up, save travel time and avoid crowded gyms at peak times, and you can shower straight after — no need to pack your toiletries and work clothes.
You’ve heard of all the benefits of strength training, but feel intimidated, especially at the thought of going to a gym.
All those people looking at you while you try to figure out how adjust the squat rack for your height, and wondering if you’re even doing it right.
You might be feeling unsure where to start, or where you’ll find the energy for it.
Then there are thoughts, like:
“I don’t even understand this workout that I copied from Instagram. What’s a pull down?”
”Which exercises should I do? How many? What's a set? Oh God, am I doing it right?”
”What is this exercise even good for? I don’t feel it where I should be…”
The list goes on.
As someone who taught themselves how to strength train as a teen from the privacy of her bedroom, I feel you. It took me a while to gain my confidence and to know what I was doing. By being a part of this program, you'll breeze past the awkward teenager stage of strength training, and fast track to training with direction and confidence.
Then, there’s the issue of:
Which diet do I follow?
Keto, paleo, vegan, raw, If It Fits Your Macros, mediterranean, I Quit Sugar, low fat, low sugar, high protein...
All the instafit people telling you what to eat so you can look like them. Sucking you into the diet culture trap...
An exhausting and dangerous detour.
You will receive whole-food plant-based nutrition guidance over the course of our 8-weeks together. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed and confused by all the different diets to choose from.
Imagine instead:
You know exactly how to fuel yourself with nutrient-rich meals to be energised throughout your day.
You feel satiated and full, without missing out on yummy food.
You’re experiencing other positive benefits — bloating and gas are a thing of the past, your skin and your mind are clear, you’re losing weight, and your clothes fit better.
By the end of our time together, you will become so amazed and focused on what your body can do, and see how your body composition shifts without starving yourself...
You'll wonder why people restrict themselves so much — it doesn't have to be that hard.
The Strong With Amya 8-week at-home strength training group provides you with workouts and nutrition guidance to help you look and feel the best you’ve ever felt in your life!
The guidance and structure of this program takes all the guesswork out for you, clearing through any confusion you previously had.
The formula is simple: train smart and eat well (and plentiful!).
What you’ll get
3 Workouts Per Week
Easy to follow video demonstrations for each workout. Include a warm-up and cool-down for you to do at your convenience, and PDF printables.
Private Group Support
Unlimited group text message support for questions, technique checking, encouragement and problem-solving. (This is an optional extra).
7-Day Plant-based Meal Plan
Your plan is adrenal fatigue friendly, supports fat loss, and improves recovery and muscle repair.
Supplement Recommendations
Discover what’s worth it and what’s a waste of your time and money when it comes to improving your energy, protecting your cells from damage and ageing, happy healthy hormones, and more.
Complete Resource Library
Topics include myofascial release, working out and your body’s rhythms and menstrual cycle, training post-adrenal fatigue recovery, and more.
Answers to all your health and wellness questions
Exclusive access within a group platform where you’ll have unlimited access to me, alongside a supportive group of like-minded women seeking to transform their strength and fitness.
Take a look inside!
More than just a fitness group.
Yeah, you’ll get strong…
You’ll tone up and slim down…
And you’ll do it without starving yourself or eating boring food…
But you’ll also let go of old beliefs about your body image, start to feel grounded and energised, and be in absolute awe of how your body evolves, bringing on a deeper appreciation of the miracle that is your body.
Strong With Amya Home Workout Program is for you if…
You’re just getting started with working out and you want some practice.
You want to build your confidence to eventually hit the gym feeling strong.
You want to know exactly what to eat every day so that you don’t have to think about it.
You want to exercise at a pace that is safe and supportive of your adrenal fatigue healing.
You want the luxury of 1:1 coaching, but you’re still gathering the funds to invest in that premium level of coaching.
You’re excited to feel vibrant, strong, and confident in your body.
Strong With Amya is a rolling enrolment.
You get to connect with women at various stages of their journey who know exactly what it’s like to be in your shoes, and can share their wins and transformations.
What clients are saying:
“Amya, I've woken up with no adrenal fatigue symptoms! This is a massive win for me! Yay! This is thanks to your guidance. Thanks so much. The tips on fuelling before and after working out are great too. So happy I joined this group! You're the best Amya honestly!”
“I can already feel the impact that the workout has on my body. Thank you so much Amya for this amazing opportunity! I'm really enjoying the workouts and I'm so happy that I've joined! This girl strength trains now and I AM STRONG is a vibe to ebody and carry through from here, has been my biggest takeaway. Thank you for the sisterhood of this space and for hosting it. Super grateful!”
“I’m truly so happy to have chosen this program! I decided on a whim because I said to myself I have to do something and I really wanted to take your program… Thank you for your kind words. I loved the support here. Even if I didn’t ask for detailed coaching, I really needed the energy that I’ve got here. And I didn’t ask too many questions because the videos you’ve done explained it well.”
“This is truly an awesome group!!! I spent about half a second doubting myself before signing up... And I struck gold! So damn happy!“
“It's really exciting and I'm so grateful for this space. I feel it's very healing and freeing from all the past experiences and beliefs about sport, working out and fitness. So thank you for this amazing program and for creating this sacred space. I truly appreciate it!“
“If I try to do this myself, it just won't happen. But just knowing others are working out with me, and to have support in here, it's a HUGE motivation. It has been an amazing and healing experience and I really want to thank Amya as her weight training group has been the (unexpected) catalyst to me finding this aspect of myself again.“
“I had a lot of fears and reluctance in starting a new exercise program… Amya was VERY patient with me and I never felt pressured that I needed to start or keep up or was angry or annoyed when I came to her with my millionth doubt.
I found the exercises to be the perfect balance of challenging and doable… I found that the sessions were compiled in such a way that improved your overall strength and fitness that I could tackle the more difficult exercises with more ease the next time around.
Amya was always there to guide me through and offer insights and solutions. Many of my road blocks were mental and after sitting with her advice for a couple of days I felt myself break through them.
What I gained from her program other than the obvious physical changes (increased strength, better posture, endurance, fitness, ease in carrying things, better balance) was a new found resilience, confidence, and grounded-ness.
This is what I believe is the greatest benefit of working with Amya over any other trainer because with her energy and medicine, you are not just experiencing change and growth physically, but experiencing inner change and growth as well.”
Secure your place now.
Investment: $200 USD, or 2x payments of $110.
Averaging at $25 per week... this is more cost-effective than a gym membership and 1:1 coaching combined!
Hey! I’m Amya
I’m an Occupational Therapist, Health and Strength Coach.
A former competitive olympic weightlifter who healed adrenal fatigue, candida overgrowth, leaky gut, and body image issues.
I show women how to get strong, shape up, and get to a healthy weight. All while eating plenty of delicious foods and only training three times per week.
Questions? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Strong With Amya Home Workout Program has many bodyweight exercises, but you will also require equipment to help you progress with your strength. Suggestions:
If you are the stage where you can sustain your daily activities and walks without fatiguing, and your diet and supplementation is solid, then yes. This program is adrenal fatigue friendly, and I will coach you through it to ensure you do not experience regression.
There are no prescribed days for you to do the 3 workouts every week. I suggest that you have a day off in between workouts at least. If you happen to only do 1 or 2 workouts in any particular week, that is ok! We don’t dwell, or punish ourselves. We just aim to do better next time. Also, if there are days that you are tired, or are experiencing stressful events in your life, I may encourage you to rest.
I will often ask everyone in general, how they are going, and answer any questions that come up. Sometimes friendly chatter occurs in the group when I am not present, and that is fine too!
Occasionally I may tag you in a group check-in message, but it is usually if you have been quiet and I want to know how your week is going, and to offer any support or tips to set you up for success.
If you do not wish to participate in the group chat, you can opt not to join. You will still have access to the resource library where I often share big topics of discussion that came up in the group chat.
The program is designed to allow your body to get used o the new movements, and to also support progression. Changing workouts every week in strength training does not support this. Therefore, you will do the same workouts for Weeks 1-3 (3 different sessions per week), then new workouts for Weeks 4-6, and again in Weeks 7-8.
You get to decide on the before and after photos! As for the workout videos, if you would like feedback on your movement patterns, or if you are not feeling the exercise where you think you should, you can send a video of you performing the exercise. For anyone self conscious about this, I am looking at the body mechanics and angles, NOT what you look like or what you’re wearing.
I usually reply to the chat within the hour on week days. On weekends, this may vary. And of course, I cannot reply when I’m asleep! ;)
You will have access to the podia platform and optional private group chat for 10 weeks from the date that you enrol.
After this time, access will be closed. Please be aware that the programs and materials are considered intellectual property and are not permitted for sharing with others, reproducing, or re-selling.
If you wish to have access to the videos, resource and coaching area to the podia platform, you can join the monthly subscription, currently offered at $9.99 USD per month. Message me for access to this offer.
Awesome! I have a gym version of Strong With Amya. You can access it here.
Send me an email on