Common Misconception: Detoxes Are Useless.
The argument against detoxes goes a little something like this:
“We have natural buffering systems in our body to keep it in homeostasis and disease at bay.”
Many of these arguments come from mainstream therapists and practitioners who seem to take great offence at even mentioning that a detox is helpful, and actually, life-enhancing and necessary if you want to live a life of QUALITY, not just quantity.
I do understand where some of the defensiveness comes from; there are plenty of quack detox teas, practitioners and supplement companies out there, promising that the consumer will "boost their metabolism”, “slim down” and “detox” after buying their starter packs. The issue is that these consumers have fallen prey and heavily identify with the pain points selected by the expert marketing teams of these companies. No where, do these companies mention in their advertising material that such potent and useful herbs (if indeed, is of high quality), can be helpful, but they need to be used in CONJUNCTION with a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Most of the people chugging these scam teas or supplements down are still smoking, still binge-drinking, still consuming refined and heavily processed foods, still consuming animal products that are laced with hormones, steroids and antibiotics, still NOT exercising in a way that brings them joy or good health, still using birth control pills, still taking over the counter drugs, still NOT consuming organic fruits and vegetables… you get the point. Yet they expect change, and these companies and practitioners KNOW that, and depend on that with their choice of marketing.
The other word of caution I offer to anyone who may be interested in these teas in particular, is to check the quality; are they organic (very important as teas and coffees are heavily sprayed with pesticides and other toxins that disrupt your immune system and various process), what is their source of origin, and what is ACTUALLY in these tea blends? Do the individual ingredients, when researched on their own, actually fulfil their intended purpose? Or are you just PAYING for and consuming a bunch of toxic herbs that do sh*t-all?
There are also a bunch of sh*tty detox protocols out there that do more harm than good. So that is another reason why people hate the word “detox”. If you’re look for a great place to start, I recommend Health Mastery Institute. I am NOT paid to promote their services. I have trained through them and have experienced by own amazing changes through their education and programs. As have thousands of others. You can decide if you this is for you or not.
Be weary of these detox product suppliers and protocols with pretty packaging, and relatable pain points that show up as advertisements in your social media feeds. #clickbait.
Circling back to why detoxes are essential…
Many of the diseases, illnesses and seemingly harmful symptoms we encounter (allergies, adult acne, painful periods, hormonal trouble, arthritis, painful joints and muscles, hives, itching, bloating and gas, brain fog, sensitivity to smell, rashes, low energy and mood, poor sleep, etc.), can all be traced back to toxin overload as the catalyst for your bodily systems to go awry.
This is when your liver and your other buffering systems are having a hard time keeping up with the incoming toxins; from what you eat, what you put onto your skin, and what you breathe. Not to mention, the pathogens and toxins that have already set up came inside you, and the byproducts that naturally occur as a result of the body’s metabolic processes. All of that needs to be “dealt with” by the liver, and it has never taken a day off. Not since you were formed in your mother’s womb.
So yes, obviously, if our bodies didn’t have natural buffering systems, we would be dead. It’s a given that our bodies maintain homeostasis; those aforementioned, defensive practitioners are right. HOWEVER, that does not address the fact that over time, if you continue to abuse your body with a diet that produces an acidic effect on the blood (such as excessive protein, animal products, alcohol, smoking, drugs, toxin-laden food and drinks), these buffering systems become overburdened and break down. They stop functioning effectively. Then, suddenly you’re in your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, minding your own business and you get a health scare, e.g. a cancer diagnosis, or your body isn’t “as young as it used to be” and you have to give up activities that you used to love doing.
People often make the counterargument: “well life is short and I don’t want to cut out the things I enjoy. I’d rather die young and happy than live to an old age with ailments.”
This is true, what’s the point of living into your 90’s, but are old as sh*t and can’t do anything?
This woman is in her 70s - you can look her up if you don’t believe me: Babette Davis, @chefbabette
But instead, wouldn’t you rather live an AWESOME QUALITY LIFE, even if you only live until you’re 70? One where you can continue exploring the world, riding your motorbike, hitting the gym and showing up the youngsters with your athletic ability? Able to keep up with your grandchildren?Still having a fulfilling sex life, still feeling energised, still driving yourself around and not having to be chauffeured because you can’t be trusted behind the wheel… or whatever it is that matters to you.
I don’t know about you, but THAT, is the reason why I eat the way that I do. The reason why I take my high quality supplements. The reason why I implement certain health practices, such as coffee enemas (you can look this up for yourself, or download my free resource here), and why I choose to move my body in ways that I know are good for me and I enjoy. Not to mention, addressing the suppressed emotions that can also seriously impact your quality of life. Because I want to enjoy my life, at every age. Life can be hard enough, why layer in a breaking down body when it doesn’t have to be that way?
You don’t have to settle and you don’t have to “put up” with any disease, ailments, symptoms, or any other crap.
You can thrive, and you can spend the rest of your life in a body that works perfectly for you. Be proactive, and don’t wait until it’s “too late”. Even if you find yourself in the “too late” camp, there’s still plenty you can do. It’s up to you.
With love,