There Is Nothing Wrong With You.

So, you didn’t get the job. You thought you were in with a good chance. You gave your CV everything you had. You felt confident in yourself, in your skills and knowledge. But for some reason, you find yourself looking at the rejection email in your inbox.

Were you thinking:

  1. I wasn’t good enough. I didn’t know enough. I’m not the right fit. They must have hired someone with more experience than me. I need to learn more to strengthen my application. Will I ever find a job in my field?

Or are you thinking:

2) Hmm, ok. That sucks. I really thought I’d be shortlisted. Oh well, it’s not the right fit for me.

If you fall into category number 2, that is amazing! I am truly happy for you.

If you fall into category number 1, then let me tell you…

You not getting the job is not a reflection of your true worth.

Maybe you weren’t the right fit for the job after all, but does that mean you’re shit? No.

Does that mean that you weren’t good enough? NO.

Are there things that you can work on to develop and improve? Yes.

But realise that as you are, in this moment, you’re already the whole package. I’m not just saying that to inflate your self-esteem or to make you feel good in a fake “love and light” bullsh*t way — it is the truth. Of course you will learn more and improve as you go. We all do.

But you not getting that job does not mean there is something wrong with YOU, or that you need to do more or add more to your résumé or credentials to be worthy — especially if you really gave those things 100% effort the first time.

Whatever your belief systems are, you need to know that God, the Universe, a higher power — whatever you resonate with — does have plans for you. The very fact that you are alive, here, reading this, is a miracle and proof in of itself that you are born with an inherent purpose. There may be one sole thing that is your life’s work, there may be several. I guarantee that it will not always look the way you think it should look.

If you don’t know what your life’s purpose is yet, but know you are destined for me… you don’t have to continue searching for the rest of your life. There are plenty of resources out there to guide you, and I am happy to share the ones that have helped me most (you are welcome to reach out to me via my website or instagram).

First recommendation is the Life Path Manifesting Program by Liana Shanti. No, I do not receive payment or any benefits in any way for suggesting her program, but I am a student/mentee of hers and have taken it myself. It sent me through a deep spiritual dive and onto a journey of self discovery and growth. Each time I work through the program, more layers are peeled away.

As a result, I have my own positive life proof, some of which includes:

  • no more suicidal ideation,

  • a better understanding of life, and how it works,

  • no more disordered eating patterns and body image issues,

  • knowing what I am here to do and being unapologetic about it,

  • no more staying small,

  • no more questioning my self worth and why I am on earth at this time, and so much more.

So in getting back to the topic of not landing the job, being passed up for an opportunity, not making it to the next round of tryouts, or anything else that you feel this applies to in life…

Please know that it is O.K.

It is NOT because you are lacking in any way, despite what people might say. It’s simply because there’s something better and more suited to you coming your way.

Keep showing up, keep taking action, BELIEVE in yourself, and it will happen.



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