How To Do Coffee Enemas
I personally had a lot of resistance to these, for so many reasons. It is common for people to raise their eyebrows at this surprisingly wonderful health practice.
The following information provided is fully credited to Liana Shanti, Clinical Nutritionist and Founder of Health Mastery Institute (HMI) Nutrition School. Information on enemas can also be found in various HMI programs such as: 66 Day Health Mastery and the Juice Fast Guide & Parasite Cleanse.
Some people are concerned about coffee enemas disrupting their gut flora. Coffee enemas are not to be confused with colonics. Colonics are harmful and remove gut bacteria. Coffee enemas are gentle and only reach a small portion of your descending colon. It will not disrupt your gut flora. The purpose of the enema is to detoxify by stimulating the gallbladder and liver, not to “rinse” your insides. There is actually a long history of coffee enemas dating back to the 1800’s. During World War I they were used to control pain when pain medication was saved for surgical procedures only. They have also been used in Dr Gerson and Dr Kelley’s successful treatment of cancer patients.
Why Do Them?
“Coffee enemas remove circulating toxins and partial metabolites because they dilate the bile ducts. Coffee (with caffeine) stimulates an enzyme in the liver called glutathione S-transferase that can remove a wide variety of free radicals from the bloodstream. During the 15 minutes that the coffee enema is being held in the gut, all the blood in the body passes through the liver at least 5 times. Every 3 minutes, all the blood in your body passes through the liver. The water being held with the coffee stimulates your visceral nervous system. Toxic bile will be flushed out of your system.”
When doing juice fasts, or any type of cleanse, coffee enemas are a must as your liver will dump toxins into your bloodstream to be excreted. Think of all the substances you’ve ever consumed in your life that your liver and fat cells have so lovingly stored for you; over the counter and illicit drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, processed foods, dioxins from tampons/pads, inhalation of fumes, perfumes, toxic skincare products, etc.
All of that is now floating in your blood stream. Therefore, it is common for people to feel sick on a cleanse; poison stings you twice – once on the way in and again on its way out.
repairing digestive tissue
cleansing the liver
improving blood circulation
increasing immunity
helping with cellular regeneration
relieving digestive issues, such as frequent constipation, bloating, cramping and nausea
improving gut health
improving low energy levels and moods
When Do I Do Them?
First thing in the morning is best because our body releases many toxins while we sleep. This can also be a factor as to why we feel foggy upon waking. So, if you want to start your day feeling fresh, it may be worth waking up slightly earlier to do this health practice. You can also prepare the coffee the night before, stored in a glass jar, covered and at room temperature if that is more convenient for you.
You can do it at night or after work if that suits you better. The caffeine effects will be minimal to non-existent.
You can do more than one per day. I sometimes do them twice a day (morning and afternoon) if time permits, and especially if I have had a meal out with friends and do not feel great afterwards. These may also be your saving grace when you are feeling ill on a juice cleanse.
You Will Need:
3 TBS of ground ORGANIC coffee (not decaf), medium roast. It must be organic, or you will be putting toxins in. Australian clients: Woolworths, Coles.
1 quart / ~1.2L of distilled or purified water. NOT tap water. Australian clients: Woolworths, Coles.
An enema bag or bucket. You may find cheaper options on eBay and Amazon. Be sure they are medical grade and made from non-toxic materials. Follow the instructions provided in the kit on how to prepare the kit.
Vitamin E oil for lubricant, PawPaw ointment, or Organic coconut oil. Vitamin E oil for Australian clients: Chemist Warehouse.
Preparing the Coffee Enema:
ENSURE YOU ARE HYDRATED PRIOR TO DOING YOUR ENEMA. Particularly if doing them first thing in the morning. Drink at least 500-750ml of water when you wake, first thing.
Boil the 1 quart / ~1.2L of water on the stove. Once boiling, add 3 heaping TBSP of the organic ground coffee.
Lower heat and simmer for 15mins. Cool to body temperature. (Tip: sometimes I double the coffee portion and use half of the coffee mixture for my enema, diluted with pure water which makes the coffee a nice temperature. You’ll also have extra coffee water for another enema).
Pour the coffee mixture into a french press and plunge. Pour the coffee water (free of coffee grounds) into the enema bag. Hang the bag up on the shower or towel rack. Be mindful that the higher the bag is hung, the faster the flow will be.
Be sure to let out air bubbles.
Put some vitamin E oil onto the tip of the enema insertion tube.
Lie down on your RIGHT side, breathe, relax, and insert the enema tube into your rectum.
Once the bag is empty, close the nozzle. Take out the enema tube, wrap it in toilet paper and set it aside.
Hold for 15mins. Relax, listen to music, keep yourself warm. This is where the coffee and your liver get to work with scooping up the toxins from your system.
After 15mins, release into the toilet.
Additional Tips
Do this in an ensuite bathroom if you have one.
When you are brand new to this process, allow extra time for preparation, the process itself and for the releasing phase. Pick a time where you are in no rush to be anywhere and will be undisturbed.
Do not beat yourself up if you cannot hold for the full 15mins. There will be days where it is easier than others.
If you haven’t had a bowel movement prior to your enema, do a water flush first. This is done by simply pouring roughly 200-500ml of pure/distilled water into the enema kit, taking it into your rectum, then once all in, immediately expelling into the toilet. This is done as it can be uncomfortable to hold the coffee in for 15mins with poo still in your colon.
You may not be able to get the full 1L in the first few times you do it. That is ok, go by feel. Start small if you must, such as 500ml, or 750ml. Even when you get accustomed to 1L, there will be days where you may need to take in less.
During the retention period, you may experience cramping, or an overwhelming feeling that you need to poo. These can be due to air bubbles, or if you were already feeling gassy. Breathe, cry, or make whatever strange noises you need to get through it. Sometimes having a rolled-up towel under your hips to tilt your bottom upwards can encourage the coffee water to move away from your anus, relieving the urge to poo. You may also want to rock or shift your body rhythmically if cramping becomes intense. Your body will do what feels most natural – go with it!
Setting up – create a nice environment for yourself. Dim the lighting, play peaceful music, bring in a portable heater if you want to. Put a yoga mat or towel down on the floor to lie on. Have a toilet roll nearby in case of any leaks (doesn’t always happen but is a possibility). Have cleaning wipes ready for after you expel your enema – it can get messy.
Set a timer for 15mins or listen to Liana Shanti’s FREE Womb Healing meditation – a great, relaxing combo. Start from 28:45 of the recording. It goes for exactly 15mins.
When expelling, stay on the toilet for as long as you need to. If you end the process too quickly, you might end up sharting (sh*tting and farting) later on – not ideal if you’re at work.
Replace the tubing every 3-6 months, and the tip.
Sanitising Your Kit
Clean thoroughly with soap and warm water. Let the soap/water mixture go through the tube.
Rinse thoroughly and make sure that the hot water runs through the rube and nozzle until it is clear.
Fill a bucket with a mixture of water and bleach; the mixture should be 1 gallon of water to 1 1/2 cups bleach. This will make the mixture about 10% bleach and 90% water.
Put the tubing and nozzle into the bucket and allow it to soak for 15 minutes.
Take the enema equipment out of the bucket and rinse it thoroughly once more with warm water. ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT TO RINSE TOTALLY AND THOROUGHLY.
Suspend over shower head, or bathtub, anywhere to dry.
Bleach is one of the only things that will kill the toxins, there can be some nasty bacterial items that the tip is exposed to. Be careful when handling bleach.
You will feel amazing after having done this! I am so excited for you.
♡ Amya